Blog Archives
Do we still have a grace period for speeches exceeding the time limit?
The automatic 2-rank penalty will only be applied after 15 seconds of the speech time…
Sample Ballots for Juniors
See sample ballots for Juniors. Interpretation Ballot Limited Preparation Ballot Platform Ballot
Junior Name Tags for the Main Tournament
All parents bringing Juniors to the main tournament must add their junior to the main…
How are NCFCA rules and policies enforced?
Every type of competition has rules, and NCFCA is no exception. Our tournament Compliance teams…
Does NCFCA provide a printable copy of the rules?
We have transitioned to using our NCFCA.org website as the official means of publishing all…
Platform Script Submission Requirement
During the designated timeframe for each tournament’s check-in process, competitors and a parent or coach…
Prep Time Protocols – Extemporaneous
For in-person tournaments: Step 1 - Report for preparation. You will be allowed into the…
Sample Ballot and Rubric for Platform Speeches
See a sample of the ballot and rubric judges will view in the competition platform.…
Sample Ballot and Rubric for Limited Prep Speeches
See a sample of the ballot and rubric judges will view in the competition platform.…