Junior Activities

This section explains the protocols and policies for NCFCA Juniors when they participate in activities while their parents are working in staff positions or judging.
NOTE: Please check back for updates for the 2024-2025 season. 

  1. Junior Activities Overview

    The goal of NCFCA Junior activities is to encourage purposeful, educational, social, and service-oriented endeavors that allow our future competitors to be more fully engaged in the tournament. The NCFCA Juniors program provides three types of activities.

  2. Junior Participant Supervision Guidelines

    NCFCA policy is that children under 12 must be involved in a specific tournament related activity or under the direct supervision of their parent or other designated adult. Junior Activity Teams and Junior Tournament Teams are not responsible for childcare or direct oversight of junior participants, except during the specific directed activity periods described below and during the Junior Tournament. Parents must take responsibility for their children by the end of the scheduled Junior activities and tournament.

  3. Junior Name Tags for the Main Tournament

    All parents bringing Juniors to the main tournament must add their junior to the main tournament so that they receive a name tag at Packet Pickup. Merely registering for the Junior Tournament will not give juniors a name tag at Packet Pickup. 

    • Go to your Dashboard.
    • Enter the main tournament you are attending (not the Junior Tournament).
    • Click Chaperones and Attendees.
    • Add your junior under:
      • All other Attending Family if they have a unique NCFCA email address (find the name tag with the senior competitor’s packet) or
      • As a Tournament Guest if they do not have a unique NCFCA email address (find the name tag at the Judge Greeter table).
  4. Junior Activities Participation

    For Junior Activity Programs – Parents of junior students must complete a Junior Program Participation Agreement and submit it to the Junior Coordinator prior to their child’s participation. Children who wish to participate in Junior Activities must be mature enough to be away from their chaperone for the duration of the round, participate in the activities, and must be able to use the restroom independently. 

    For Junior Tournament – Children participating in an official Junior Tournament must be separately registered through NCFCA’s online registration system.

    Please note: Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children during independent activities; NCFCA is responsible during group activities only.

  5. Check-in and Check-out Process

    All children must be checked in and checked out by parents or other previously designated individuals. Upon check in, they must indicate where they will be and who will be picking the child up. All children will wear name tags during the entire time they are checked in. No child will be released to anyone other than individuals previously designated by the parent(s).