Junior Activities
This section explains the protocols and policies for NCFCA Juniors when they participate in activities while their parents are working in staff positions or judging.
NOTE: Please check back for updates for the 2024-2025 season.
Apologetics Definition
Apologetics is a limited preparation speech that presents a well-reasoned defense and thoughtful application of basic tenets of the Christian faith.
Biblical Thematic Definition
Biblical Thematic is an interpretation speech that explores three or more literature selections, developing a biblical theme through Scripture and visual aid(s).
Digital Presentation Definition
Digital Presentation is a platform speech that informs or persuades the audience, accompanied by digital visual aids.
Duo Interpretation Definition
Duo Interpretation is an interpretation speech that explores a published literature selection and is presented by a team of two competitors.
Extemporaneous Definition
Extemporaneous is a limited preparation speech that analyzes news and other sources to prepare an evidence-based speech on a current-events topic.
Impromptu Definition
Impromptu is a limited preparation speech that presents a unique and meaningful speech on a topic drawn from abstract words, phrases, quotations, or table topics.
Informative Definition
Informative is a platform speech that explains a significant topic.
Open Interpretation Definition
Open Interpretation is an interpretation speech that explores a published literature selection.
Original Interpretation Definition
Original Interpretation is an interpretation speech that presents an original literary work or a derivative work.
Persuasive Definition
Persuasive is a platform speech that influences the audience to consider a particular point of view or course of action.