Christian Speech & Debate League

Communication skills are life skills.
We know how to build them.

Community with purpose

Empowering Young Voices

Do you dream of doing your part to build a world with better communication? If so, we're your people. Our mission challenges teens to communicate truth with integrity and grace, and we support them every step of the way. You're invited to join our community!

  1. Learn

    Discover and sharpen new skills with an independent club or use our complete curriculum and education event packages.

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  2. Compete

    Challenge your entire family to reach new heights in a supportive environment. Nothing sharpens speaking skills like tournaments.

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  3. Judge

    Help the next generation through feedback and encouragement. We need hundreds of judges every season. No experience required! 

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Experience NCFCA

Watch as students and parents share their journeys, the value of competition, and how NCFCA can transform lives.

Learn About Competitions


Start Your Speech & Debate Journey

See what we're doing right now and how you can get involved.

  • Fall | September - December

    Training & Preparation

    Independent clubs and classes are in full swing as our competitors work on essential research, writing, public speaking, and debate skills as they prepare for college, careers, and confident communication throughout life. 

  • Winter & Spring | December - June

    Competition Season!

    Tournaments throughout the country and online give students a chance to test developing skills and learn from real-world feedback. Families build lifelong friendships in a safe, faith-based environment and cheer one another along as Regional Championships start in April and our season culminates with the National Championship in early June.

  • Summer | June - August

    Education & Inspiration

    During the summer, camps and other education events are happening around the country and online. New debate resolutions and speech events are introduced, and the research and creative efforts for a new season begin. 

Transformative Experiences


Discover the impact NCFCA has made on the lives of countless students. Hear their inspiring stories of growth, achievement, and faith.

  • Overcoming a Major Speech Impediment

    I used to have a major, major speech impediment. So going into it was terrifying and scary. But through debating and getting to know other people and watching some of the best people, like in the Nationals rounds, I developed a love not only for speaking but for working and striving to achieve something.

  • Real-World Application

    The skills and the confidence that they gained as they competed really has played out in all areas of their life, whether they're at work or with their families or in their churches where they serve. They've come to recognize the things that they did here have had real-world application in what they've done as adults.

  • Build Skills and Character

    It's not just the skills, but it's character: what do you do? How do you deal with disappointment? How do you win ethically and how do you congratulate your opponent? How do you stay friends with an opponent that really worked hard against you?

  • Overcoming Initial Reluctance

    I wasn't super excited about it initially, and I know I've heard this from everyone else too—that initially they didn't think they really wanted to do it. Then they got into it and now, five years later, they're still loving it.

  • Finding Like-Minded Christian Fellowship

    We've seen the change in our kids. There are so many other young people here that are like-minded in their pursuit of Christ. And we couldn't ask for a better place for our kids to have fellowship.

  • Students Build Amazing Relationships!

    They're experiencing amazing new relationships. They're experiencing love and grace and honor and respect.

NCFCA Impact


We lead the way in providing the resources and compeition opportunities for Christian teens to develop real-world communication skills.

  • Years of Proven Experience

    Year after year, NCFCA has refined proven methods that challenge and equip students to confidently share their Christian worldview. 

  • Tournaments 

    We host dozens of tournaments around the country each season with jaw-dropping professionalism and consistency.

  • Independent Clubs

    Our network of independent clubs helps students and families learn, practice, and prepare for competition.

  • Like-Minded Families

    Parents, students, alumni, and younger siblings from 13 different regions form the backbone of our constructive community. 

  • Students

    Competitors, who range in age from 12 to 18, gain skills and confidence as they engage with our constructive community. 

  • Volunteer Community Judges

    Caring adults give of their time in local communities to offer feedback and encouragement to the next generation. 


Join the NCFCA Community

Discover your place in the NCFCA community. Whether you're a student ready to compete, a caring volunteer who wants to judge, 
or a passionate supporter looking for ways to get involved, 
NCFCA has a place for you.

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