Build Confidence in Your Voice
Put your skills to the test
Speaking to an audience takes courage, and competition only adds to the pressure. We understand, and we also know that tremendous growth comes from facing the challenge.
Would a bit of healthy competition help you meet your goals?
In NCFCA tournaments, you'll be challenged to rise to a new level with fellow students, parents, and judges who are there to encourage you. Facing the pressure now will set you up for success well beyond highschool.

Choose Your Category
Discover the perfect competitive arena to showcase your talents and reach your full potential. NCFCA offers a wide range of events to help students build a solid base of skills for life.
Unleash your voice and captivate your audience with our exciting speech events.
Develop confidence and public speaking skillsExplore different speaking styles and genresShowcase creativity and interpretationDebate
Engage in critical thinking and persuasive argumentation through our dynamic debate formats.
Master the art of research and evidence-based reasoningDevelop strategic thinking and quick response abilitiesCollaborate with teammates to build strong argumentsMoot Court
Dive into the world of law and advocacy through challenging moot court competitions.
Develop legal analysis and research skillsMaster the art of oral advocacy and persuasionGain valuable experience in a courtroom-like setting
What to Expect
Watch a short video to see what tournaments look like in action. It's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun. You'll make friends, have opportunities to encourage others, and learn great skills and life lessons from your experiences.
How do I prepare for competition independent of a club?
If circumstances prevent you from participating in local clubs, you are welcome to prepare for competition from the comfort of your own home. NCFCA supports families by offering curriculum, resources, and training.
NCFCA offers three sets of curriculum. Each has instructional content, activities, and games to equip students with the skills they need to learn valuable communication skills and compete well. Foundations of Speech and Foundations of Policy Debate each have a Student Text, Student Workbook, and Teacher Manual. The NCFCA Comprehensive Guide to Value Debate has a Competitor’s Handbook, a Coach’s Manual, and a Parent Guide. You can find these in the NCFCA Shop.
Competition rules, guidelines, policies, and tournament preparation information can all be found on our website.
Our Online Summer Educational events bring together leaders from across the nation and offer live sessions that include instruction and discussion. Those sessions are archived and available in the NCFCA Shop.
Not Ready to Compete? Build Your Foundation First
Before diving into the competitive arena, it’s essential to establish a solid groundwork in speech and debate fundamentals.
Our comprehensive learning resources are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel. Explore our curriculum, join a club, or enroll in a class to embark on your learning journey. Remember, every champion starts as a beginner. Take the time to build your skills and you’ll be well-prepared to compete and succeed.