Account Setup
All participating family members must be set up in our platform in order to join in the tournament experience.

Tournament Prep: Account Setup
Understand the guidelines and regulations that govern NCFCA competitions and events. Familiarize yourself with our policies to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants.
Affiliating for the Season
The primary adult who will oversee a group or family affiliation should visit the NCFCA Shop and select the option for 2025 Family Affiliation. (For new Affiliates, the primary adult should be the first to set up an account. To do this, select the sign-in option.)
- read and agree with the terms and conditions,
- select “Add Item to Cart,” and
- go to the cart on the upper right side of the shop and complete the checkout process.
Adding and Updating Account Profiles
- Every individual who will participate in a tournament must have an individual profile with a unique and verifiable email address.
- After logging in and accessing your dashboard, select the “Family Members” menu on the right side of your screen. Select a name or Add Person to update profile information.
- New affiliates will need to select Add Person for each member of their group or family. Be sure to complete the Student Eligibility tab.
- Returning Affiliates should click on the button for each family member to check every individual and verify that the information is accurate for the current season. Remember to update Student Eligibility as needed.
Email Addresses
- Every profile must have a unique, verifiable email address.
- This includes Junior Competitors.
- Non-competing juniors must be added as guests for each tournament they attend
- To update an email address, click the Change Email Address option from the menu bar at the top of the window.
- If an error message appears regarding an email address, please check that the email account is not already in use for a different family member. Otherwise, contact the NCFCA office at gro.ACFCN @eciffO for help to resolve the issue.
Phone Numbers
- NCFCA tournaments rely heavily on text messaging to communicate announcements and updates to parents and judges. Therefore, we encourage adults and judges to list the most reliable cell phone number in their profile rather than a land-line number.
- Competitors may also receive text messages with tournament updates if they have a number listed in their profile; however, they are not required to have phones or list phone numbers.
- Affiliates must update their addresses for special mailings which the league may occasionally send out.
- To update an address, choose the Address option from the menu bar at the top of the window.
- Passwords are required for individual participants to log in to the tournament platform as needed, so affiliates should ensure that they are all up to date.
- To update a password, choose the Change Password option from the menu bar at the top of the window.
Profile/Person Type
- Adult (parents, designated adults, alumni, coaches, judges, and school representatives)
- Student (used for all junior and qualifying competitors) Student Eligibility tab must include all of the following information:
- Anticipated graduation
- Education Model
- Eligibility Status
Receiving League Communications
We have several ways of sharing league updates and important information with affiliates.
- Affiliate Dashboard: When affiliates log in to the NCFCA website, they will land on the affiliate dashboard where they can view and register for competitive opportunities and access necessary affiliate-only information through the Resource Library.
- Email: We regularly communicate important information, opportunities, and deadlines by email. Affiliate account holders can customize their email preferences using the Email Preferences Tab in their profile under Family Members. We use three types of email messages.
- Transactional Emails come from, and at least one adult in each family must be designated to receive these emails. These messages contain regional event reminders and all information for events for which you’ve registered like payment reminders, check-in notifications, etc.
- First Party Emails will come from, and contain informational communication about national tournament opportunities, upcoming educational events, resource launches, and blog articles from NCFCA leadership.
- Third Party Emails will come from, and they contain information about opportunities offered by missionally aligned organizations like our sponsors, judging opportunities for future tournaments, and details regarding NCFCA’s presence at conventions and conferences.
- Text: We send text messages, especially just before and during tournaments, with crucial and time-sensitive notifications. Please ensure the accuracy of phone numbers in all family account profiles.
- Website: The resources page on our website includes informational articles and news about events, opportunities, and resources.