
Last Updated: Aug 26, 2024

Policies Affiliations

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League Policies

Understand the guidelines and regulations that govern NCFCA competitions and events. Familiarize yourself with our policies to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants. EDITING REMOVE LATER.

  1. Affiliation Options and Pricing

    We offer affiliation options for families and coaches. Schools, as an organization, are also welcome to associate with NCFCA and should reach out to our office (gro.ACFCNobfsctd@eciffO) for more information. Families participating through their school must be eligible for affiliation through agreement with our Foundational Beliefs.

    Affiliation fees are non-refundable.

    Family Affiliation $160/family
    • Email information and reminders sent exclusively to affiliates.
    • Access to compete at in-person and online tournaments during the competition season
    •  Exclusive FREE training opportunities and resources
    • Support in finding or starting a local club
    • Deep discounts to office supply stores, SAT/ACT prep courses, and HSLDA membership
    • Scholarship opportunities and exclusive discounts from partner universities
    Non-QualifyingAffiliation $30/family/season (for coaches and other families without qualifying competitors) 
    • Full access to NCFCA Resource Library
    • Debate resolution voting
    • Discounts (Online classes)
    • Affiliate-exclusive webinars and other resources
    School Association Please contact the NCFCA office ( for details.
  2. Region Assignment

    Affiliates must be associated with a region and, in some cases, a district for competition. Regions and districts are geographically assigned based on the address of each affiliate account. Region reassignment is available for those who wish to compete in a region different than the one they are assigned. Please email the NCFCA office ( for region reassignment or for any questions about the process. Reassignment must be processed prior to November 1 or prior to registering for any qualifying competition. Reassignment after initial qualifying competition will not be approved.

  3. Good-Standing Status

    We resolutely assume the best in all situations regarding our affiliates, even when corrective action becomes necessary or when penalties must be enforced in competition. Generally, we are able to resolve rule violations and behavioral issues swiftly and graciously and move on without any impact on the good-standing status of our valued participants.

    However, in the unlikely event that it becomes necessary, NCFCA maintains the right to revoke an affiliate’s good-standing status. The National Adjudication Team will determine when this action is warranted based on their assessment of any situation reported to them for review. The Adjudication Team may revoke an affiliate’s good-standing status for a specific period of time or permanently. Affiliation fees are not refunded for an affiliate who loses good-standing status.

    An affiliate who has lost good standing status may appeal the revocation by sending a written explanation of the situation and outlining the case for appeal to the Executive Director who will confer with the National Adjudication Team and other relevant members of NCFCA leadership before rendering a final decision. The NCFCA Board of Directors may choose to review any final revocation of good standing status by its own motion or by request of the Executive Director.

    In the rare event that a dispute is not able to be resolved via the aforementioned process, NCFCA and all affiliates agree that any claim or dispute arising from or related to participating in NCFCA activities shall be settled by mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Peacemaker® Ministries. (Complete text is available at Judgment upon an arbitration decision may be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction. NCFCA and all affiliates understand that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this agreement and expressly waive their right to file a lawsuit in any civil court against one another for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision.

  4. Affiliating for Each Season

    The primary adult who will oversee affiliation should visit the NCFCA Shop.

    The process will require new and returning affiliates to agree with the following terms and conditions:

    • NCFCA’s Foundational Beliefs, including
      • affirming the Nicene Creed
      • indicating the family’s faith tradition as protestant, catholic, orthodox, or other
      • affirming our position on Scriptural Inerrancy
      • affirming our statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality
    • Policies and Procedures outlined in the League Handbook
    • Participation Expectation outlined in our League Handbook
    • Minor Model Release Agreement
  5. Individual Account Profiles Required

    Every individual who will participate in an NCFCA event must have an individual profile.

    Information on how to make add and update account profiles is available on the tournament prep page.

  6. Receiving League Communications

    We have several ways of sharing league updates and important information with affiliates.

    Affiliate Dashboard: When affiliates log in to the NCFCA website, they will land on the affiliate dashboard where they can view and register for competitive opportunities and access necessary affiliate-only information through the Resource Library.

    Email: We regularly communicate important information, opportunities, and deadlines by email. Affiliate account holders can customize their email preferences using the Email Preferences Tab in the Manage Account screen. We use three types of email messages.

    • Transactional Emails come from, and at least one adult in each family must be designated to receive these emails. These messages contain regional event reminders and all information for events for which you’ve registered like payment reminders, check-in notifications, etc.
    • First Party Emails will come from, and contain informational communication about national tournament opportunities, upcoming educational events, resource launches and blog articles from NCFCA leadership.
    • Third Party Emails will come from and they contain information about opportunities offered by missionally aligned organizations like our sponsors, judging opportunities for future tournaments, and details regarding NCFCA’s presence at conventions and conferences.

    Text: We send text messages, especially just before and during tournaments, with crucial and time-sensitive notifications. Please ensure the accuracy of phone numbers in all family account profiles.

    Website: The resources page on our website includes informational articles and news about events, opportunities, and resources.