League Policies
Every interpretation speech requires two types of scripts: the Format 1 and the Format 2. The Format 1 script is a typed out document that reflects every word in the speech. These are the words that have been “cut” from the author’s work. The Format 2 script is a copy of each page from the original source of the literature selection, with the cut words highlighted. This section will explain what these scripts should look like and how the script submission process works.
Format 1 Script
The Format 1, or typed script, should clearly reflect what is presented in the speech. A script-style format (i.e., added stage directions, character names to identify lines, etc.) is not needed for submission. Here are some guidelines to make sure the script clearly reflects what is presented in the speech:
- Use bold font for any Introductions, Conclusions, and/or Narrative Sections. (This does not apply to the Original Interpretations.)
- Italicize any words of singing.
- Use quotations marks for any directly quoted supporting material.
- Parenthetically cite any supporting material, including published tunes that are vocally expressed without words. (e.g. humming, Schifrin, Lalo. “Mission Impossible Theme Song”).
- Underline the following:
- the title and author of the literature selection. (Only the title of the original or derivative work in an Original Interpretation is needed.)
- the title and author of the external source and the new and unique literary element(s) where the speaker states them in an Original Interpretation.
- any verbal mention of sources for supporting material, whether directly quoted, summarized, or quoted.
Required: a Format 1 script should also include a Works Cited page, if any supporting material is used. Note that the external source for the derivative work in Originals are considered supporting material and must be listed on the Works Cited page as well. Suggested Works Cited page formats may be found on library or university websites.
Format 2
The Format 2, or copy of the original source material, should clearly reflect what is presented in the speech. All words included in the Format 1: Typed Script must be highlighted on the submitted pages. Here are some guidelines to make sure the script clearly reflects what is presented in the speech:
- Include the title page and/or publishing page to demonstrate the publication of the selection(s).
- Include all pages from the original source material containing lines used in the speech.
- Scan/copy and highlight the pages so that the words are legible.
- Do not cross out or obscure words on the pages.
- Arrange the .pages in a way that reasonably follows the Format 1 script.
(Note that Original Interpretation speeches do not need a Format 2.)
See Script Samples
Click Here> Interpretation Script Format Examples