League Policies
In a tournament setting, any observer may bring a question of rules to Compliance during a tournament regarding a speech they saw.
A judge should report their concern to Compliance. Sometimes judges do not report because they don’t want to raise a concern if there is a possibility that they are wrong. But what if the judge is right? Luke 8:17 says, “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” If a student has plagiarized, whether intentional or not, the constructive community of NCFCA is a far better place (and time) for the lesson of integrity to be learned versus later in life (college, workplace, etc.).
A student may also report a concern of this nature with their parent involved. This is a good opportunity for the student and parent to love a neighbor as themselves: testing their own motives, humbling themselves to think the best of others, entering into the shared experience of all parties relying wholly on God’s provision, and interceding through prayer on behalf of their fellow brother/sister in Christ and of NCFCA.