Last Updated: December 6, 2024

How does NCFCA view plagiarism?

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League Policies

  1. NCFCA does not approach a rule infraction as an intentional action, but rather an opportunity for effective communication growth.  The rules and the adjudication process exist to maintain fair play for the competition, which is a tool for growth.  NCFCA does not seek to judge the heart of competitors or affiliate families.  However, we do not deny the refining heart process that happens through the adjudication process; in fact, we embrace it because it allows the Lord to sanctify His children.  This refining is part of how NCFCA, including staff, parents, and students, fulfills our mission, “to challenge and equip ambassadors for Christ to communicate truth with integrity and grace.”  Whether intentional or not, plagiarism will be adjudicated.

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