Apologetics FAQs
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Which rules in Apologetics changed for 2024-2025?
Scriptural support must be presented has been removed as a rule. (Judges will be able…
Do I have to state the topic verbatim in my Limited Preparation speech?
The judges will have a list of all the topics assigned to each competitor, so…
Can I access the internet during prep time? Can I bring my phone to take notes?
Internet access is not allowed. Phones, computers, and other electronic devices may not be used…
Do I have to cite the chapter and verse of Scripture?
Any source used must be verbally cited, including Scripture. While citing both the chapter and…
Do I need to quote a Bible verse in my speech?
While no rule requires a Bible verse to be quoted, a well-reasoned defense and thoughtful…
If I don’t use all of my 4 minutes of prep time, can I add it to the 6 minutes for my speech?
Unused preparation time may not be added to the speech time.
Can I use my phone during prep time, since I have the Bible app on there?
Phones, computers, and other electronic devices may not be used for reference. Only what is…
What materials may I bring into the competition room for my Apologetics prep time?
Competitors may use their Bible and any prepared notecards to help with crafting their speech.…
How will I know what topics I will draw in a tournament?
In the Apologetics rounds, the two topics from which to choose on the topic card…