Apologetics FAQs
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Do we still have a grace period for speeches exceeding the time limit?
The automatic 2-rank penalty will only be applied after 15 seconds of the speech time…
How are NCFCA rules and policies enforced?
Every type of competition has rules, and NCFCA is no exception. Our tournament Compliance teams…
Does NCFCA provide a printable copy of the rules?
We have transitioned to using our NCFCA.org website as the official means of publishing all…
Which rules in Apologetics changed for 2024-2025?
Scriptural support must be presented has been removed as a rule. (Judges will be able…
Do I have to state the topic verbatim in my Limited Preparation speech?
The judges will have a list of all the topics assigned to each competitor, so…
Can I access the internet during prep time? Can I bring my phone to take notes?
Internet access is not allowed. Phones, computers, and other electronic devices may not be used…
Do I have to cite the chapter and verse of Scripture?
Any source used must be verbally cited, including Scripture. While citing both the chapter and…
Do I need to quote a Bible verse in my Apologetics speech?
While no rule requires a Bible verse to be quoted, a well-reasoned defense and thoughtful…
If I don’t use all of my 4 minutes of prep time, can I add it to the 6 minutes for my speech?
Unused preparation time may not be added to the speech time.