Giving Tuesday
How one family was impacted by NCFCA scholarships.
“The scholarship means more than just the ability for our family to compete. It means a connection to our NCFCA world. It means a connection to friends who have become an integral support system for my children. It means being able to continue participating in something that helps them stay grounded in their ‘normal’ even when the rest of our lives are falling apart around us. “
“NCFCA has been an anchor in our homeschool over the past 8 years”
the Slayton Family story
“When my husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma, which is a terminal brain cancer, two years ago, I thought that our time in NCFCA may be coming to an end. Jon endured many hours of physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, radiation and chemotherapy on his road to becoming more stable. He is doing well in his journey and has already surpassed the initial survival prognosis given by all his doctors.”
“The Lord has been so gracious to provide for us. Simply traveling to tournaments can be a huge challenge for our family. We have ten children who work hard to earn money to pay for our travel expenses and I know that it would be impossible for them to also earn enough to cover the tournament fees as well. The scholarships that NCFCA has provided for us over the past two years have been the only thing that allowed us to continue to compete. This means a chance for them to share their passions with others through their platform speeches and express themselves with their interpretive speeches. It means another chance for them to share the gospel. In short, it is enriching our lives in innumerable and incalculable ways.
We are forever grateful. Thank you!”
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