Tournament Prayers

From the Lord’s Prayer to the Puritan prayers collected in The Valley of Vision to the modern book Every Moment Holy, written prayers have historically been part of private and family worship. These prayers, often written about daily life, can guide our own prayers, grow our prayer life, and help us when we don’t know…

Written by

Melinda Speece

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


When the tournament days grow long, it can be a challenge to gather words and thoughts, even for prayer, yet prayer is just what we need. 

From the Lord’s Prayer to the Puritan prayers collected in The Valley of Vision to the modern book Every Moment Holy, written prayers have historically been part of private and family worship.

These prayers, often written about daily life, can guide our own prayers, grow our prayer life, and help us when we don’t know what to pray.

To that end, here are some prayers, rooted in scripture, for judges and competitors.


Prayers for Judges 

Prayer for picking a ballot

Lord, I trust in you with all my heart

and do not lean on my own understanding.

I acknowledge you. Make my paths straight.


What do you want me to hear?

What do you want me to learn?

What do you want me to change?

Use these students to do that.


Give me wisdom to choose the best ballot 

And the trust to know it is the one you have for me.



(Proverbs 3:5-6, James 1:5)


Prayer before judging

Lord, you have plans for these students. 

Plans for welfare and not for harm.

Plans for a future and a hope.


Help these students to increase 

in wisdom and stature

and in favor with You and man.


Allow these students to build up their listeners 

and give grace to those who hear.


Give these students your peace,

which surpasses all understanding,

and guard their hearts and mind 

in Christ Jesus.


Please help me as their judge, 

to put aside all bias and and any prejudice,

to think with discernment and wisdom,

to see what I need to see and hear what I need to hear, and 

to provide the feedback you would have me give.


Let me, my fellow judges, and these students

do our very best to communicate with integrity and grace.



(Luke 2:52, Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 4:29, Philippians 4:7)


Prayer for completing a ballot

Give me wisdom for completing this ballot. 

Take away anxiety and doubt.

Give me good reasoning, the right words, and a loving heart.


As I write these comments and decide these ranks, 

work all things for good for those who love you

and are called according to your purpose.


As I write these comments and decide these ranks, 

remind me that “every decision is from the Lord.”


As I write these comments and decide these ranks, 

let me know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge and

fills me with all the fullness of God, 

and let that overflow to the competitors.


My heart is a stream of water in your hand, Lord. 

Turn it where you will.



(James 1:5, Romans 8:28, Ephesians 3:19, John 1:14, Proverbs 16:33, Proverbs 21:1)


Prayers for Competitors

Prayer before a round

Lord, help me to increase in wisdom and in stature

and in favor with God and man.

Help me to find favor with my judges and audience.


Lord, give me bread and not a stone.

Give me a fish and not a serpent.

Give me good things in this round.


Lord, I humble myself under your mighty hand,

and I cast all my anxiety on you

because you care for me.


Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I know your will is the very best.


Allow me to use the talents you have given me.

Allow me to speak to your glory.

Allow me to do all things to your glory.



(Luke 2:52, Matthew 7:9-11, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Matthew 6:10, Matthew 25: 14-30, 1 Corinthians 10:31)


Prayer waiting for results

Thank you for letting me compete. 

Thank you for the judges who listened

and the friends who supported me.

Thank you for my family who loves me.


“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, 

and we have seen his glory, 

glory as of the only Son from the Father, 

full of grace and truth.”

Let me be full of grace and truth.


Lord, as I wait for the results, 

help me “set my minds on things that are above,

not on things that are on earth.”

I know all things are working together for my good.


Lord, once the results are announced,

Let me “rejoice with those who rejoice 

and weep with those who weep.”

Make me compassionate, grateful, and humble.


Fill me “with all joy and peace in believing,

So that by the power of the Holy Spirit

[I] may abound in hope.”



(John 1:14, Romans 8:28, Colossians 3:2, Romans 12:15, Romans 15:13)


Prayer for Reading Ballots

Lord, I know that my way seems right in my own eyes, 

but it is wise for me to listen to thoughtful advice.

I know that you examine the heart,

and I ask that you soften my heart for what you would have me hear.


Help me to remember that accepting instruction is more important 

than accepting medals or other choice rewards.


As I read my ballots and see my rankings, 

help me to think the best about the intentions of my judges. 

Give me willingness to receive wise feedback with humility, and

to seek additional counsel for feedback I don’t understand.


When I encounter comments that make me feel misunderstood, 

help me to remember that people also misunderstood Jesus, 

so I can turn to Him for sympathy, courage, and direction.


Thank you for the time, energy and concern of my judges;

Please help them to grow and be blessed as they reflect on 

all that they heard and learned at our tournament, 

just as I ask that you will help me to mature and 

gain understanding through their feedback.



(Proverbs 12:15, 21:2, 8:10, Hebrews 3:17-18)


Published on

February 21, 2025