The Joy of Serving Juniors

We need your help—even if you don't have any Juniors participating in a tournament! Serving in Juniors gives parents a great peek into how staffing a tournament works with a big-picture perspective of safety, staff training protocols, and tournament schedule considerations. It's also FUN!

Written by

Katie Hall

Did you know play is in the Bible? Zechariah 8:5 contains an image meant to comfort God’s people regarding the future: “And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets” (ESV). Children playing is a good gift from God and a reminder of his protection and provision for his people.

What was your favorite way to play when you were young? Dress up and pretend? Sports and physical games? Acting out plays or puppet shows? Puzzles and competitive board games? Coloring and painting? Climbing trees? Reading?

Whatever your preference, you can remember the essential value and deep enjoyment of all those hours of play!

So, where does play intersect with NCFCA Christian Speech & Debate?

Play at Tournament

Juniors Activity sessions provide a safe and fun place for our youngest participants to play and integrate into the tournament.

Each regional and national Juniors Activities team designs activities that provide the Juniors the opportunity to 

  • Play with other Juniors during organized games and activities and free play
  • Make friends 
  • Develop their own public speaking skills by practicing and giving speeches
  • Learn how a  tournament works by visiting various departments, like Compliance and Logistics
  • Support the tournament by resetting rooms, writing notes of encouragement to staff, and tidying up
  • Watch older students give speeches and debate
  • Experience a safe tournament environment

These sessions also allow parents of Juniors to serve by staffing and judging, resting in the knowledge that their children are safe and having fun. Our Juniors program particularly highlights NCFCA’s values of enduring excellence and constructive community as the Juniors Activities staff pours into the youngest members of our NCFCA community.

Why You Should Serve in Junior Activities

The number of volunteers required to support the Juniors Activities program at any tournament is directly related to the number of students participating because NCFCA safety protocols keep our adult to student ratio very low. This allows the Juniors Activities staff to get to know the kids, but it also takes lots of volunteers.

We need your help! Let’s look at three reasons why you should serve in Juniors Activities this season—even if you do not have any Juniors participating in the program.

#1 Serving in Juniors Activities is fun and easy. Whether you are the Juniors Activities Coordinator or a Junior Activities staff member, there are many resources provided by the league and your region to help plan and facilitate all the Junior Activities. There is a helpful guide and most regions have a Juniors Activities box full of supplies that travels from tournament to tournament. You can also bring your own games and crafts.

In addition, Junior Activities are offered only 2-3 rounds each day, giving the Juniors Activities staff time to reset, eat, check in with their own children, and judge.

#2 Serving in Juniors Activities is essential. NCFCA is a family organization. We happily welcome whole families to our clubs and tournaments. In order to provide Juniors with a fun and age-appropriate experience, promote everyone’s safety, and ensure we have enough staff members and parent judges to facilitate tournaments in a timely way, we need people to direct and staff Juniors Activities. 

Serving in Juniors gives a peek into the tournament behind the scenes. This gives parents a unique big-picture perspective of how safety, staff, and tournament schedules operate.

#3 Serving in Juniors Activities is rewarding. Whether you judge or staff, each role at a tournament gives a profound sense of satisfaction as you encourage the students, give valuable feedback on ballots, assist the community judges, and develop friendships with other parents. Similarly, helping parents, developing relationships with Juniors, and making sure they have a great experience—even as they eat too many goldfish crackers and stay up WAY past bedtime—is very rewarding.

It is wonderful to see these “future competitors” become competitors. The relationships you develop with Juniors will continue to be a blessing as they grow and mature from children into young adults.

Come and Play!

So, shoot your Regional Director an email and let her know you are ready and willing to support the work of the tournament by volunteering with the Juniors this season! You will be blessed by spending time with the Juniors, and they will be blessed by you as you come alongside them and their families.


by: Katie Hall and Melinda Speece

Katie Hall serves as the Regional Director for Region 7 and National Juniors Director. Melinda Speece is a Region 7 club leader and NCFCA’s Educational Resource Manager. Moms of a combined five alums, four competitors, and one Junior each, Katie and Melinda have served as Juniors Activities Director/Junior Tournament Coordinator at more than 10 NCFCA tournaments. They are also the co-authors of the new NCFCA Juniors Speech Curriculum which will be available June 2025.

Published on

February 10, 2025